Nacho average mexican

Best quarter pound in town

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor.


A love of burritos

This love took us on a journey through Central and South America, on a search for ingredients for the perfect burrito (well, that was part of it). After traveling far and wide by land, sea, air and time travel (have you ever had to ask yourself "how did I get here?"... we think we've found everyone's perfect burrito.

Our idea of a perfect burrito may be different from yours, but with the right ingredients to choose from, a 3 Pepper Burrito is perfect for everyone.

After years of adventures and making new friends, we've returned to SW Florida to share our love of burritos with you. In an industrial, laid-back style, you can enjoy your burrito on a tortilla made from scratch right in front of you. It's an old secret family recipe from a very special senorita. So instead of cruising the internet or the world of social media, take an adventure with us... then share it with #3PB, and keep an eye out as we go through old photos and pictures of our journeys to share.